🌎 Español

5 Incredible Weeks


June 3rd - July 6th

8:30 am - 12:30 pm

🌎 Español


June 3rd - July 6th

8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Drs. Rodney and Adonica invite you to come and experience in person five incredible weeks that will change your life forever!

Drs. Rodney and Adonica invite you to come and experience in person five incredible weeks that will change your life forever!

You will be touched by God

Touch of God 1
Touch of God 2
Touch of God 3

You will be trained

Course Content

  • How to operate in spiritual gifts 
  • Bus ministry 
  • Mass crusades
  • How to carry revival
  • Gain understanding on the five-fold ministry 
  • How to operate in signs, wonders, and miracles
  • Media & Marketing

You will be sent

Your life will be impacted eternally

Class Schedule:

8:30 am-12:30 pm - Class Instruction

1:30 pm - Soul Winning Lab at Least 1x Per Week

Serve Weekly at The Stand

Bus Ministry/Parking Ministry of Helps on Sunday

Special Soul Winning Projects will also take place during and/or after some class times.

*Note: This summer program is in-person only


What is the cost to attend school?

There is no cost to attend.

Where do I stay when I am attending?

Summer School of Evangelism(SSE) is a free school offered by Revival Ministries International. However, each student does need to find their own living accommodations. Click here to see hotels in the area and also various options offered by Air BnB

Can I do SSE Online?

No. SSE is in person only.

I am from another country, can I attend SSE?

Yes. You absolutely can. If you are having trouble opening the link try using a VPN

How do I apply for SSE?

Click on "Apply Now!" located at the top of the page and complete the application.

3738 River International Drive | Tampa, FL 33610

Need more info?

Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

πŸ“… June 3rd - July 6th, 2024 (in-person only)

πŸ“ž (813) 971-9999 ext. 263

πŸ“§ sse@revival.com